Backcountry Recreation
Wilderness provides a diverse range of non-motorized recreation for hikers, equestrians, rafters and kayakers, hunters and anglers, mountaineers and climbers.
Wilderness pays large and growing economic dividends for local communities. Protected public lands increase property values, contribute to quality of life that attracts new businesses and residents, and support direct tourism businesses. Outdoor recreation generates $28 billion in consumer spending and is responsible for 229,000 jobs that pay $9.7 billion in salaries and wages.
Biological diversity
Rare and endangered species find refuge in undisturbed habitat. Many imperiled species, such as the canyon tree frog, kit fox, kachina daisy and sage grouse depend on these areas for their survival. Many of these BLM lands provide critical winter range for big game herds of elk, mule deer, and bighorn sheep.
Clean water
Wilderness helps maintain water quality in our rivers and drinking water by protecting watersheds from damaging activities that remove vegetation, erode topsoil, and leach minerals into streams.